Joe Biden’s Renewable Energy Push Will Send These Stocks Soaring

Jeff Siegel

Written By Jeff Siegel

Posted December 24, 2020

Obama made me rich.

It’s true.

Thanks to him, the Department of Energy oversaw tens of billions of dollars in loan guarantees and grants for solar and wind power during his time in office.

I took full advantage of that cash cow and made a fortune.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t even like the idea of a “Department of Energy,” as these departments tend to be little more than bureaucratic rubber stamp factories that do the bidding of whomever happens to be president at the time.

During Obama, it was all about solar and wind.

During Trump, it was all about coal, oil, and gas.

This isn’t necessarily a criticism but rather an observation of truth that, if you pay close attention, can you make you a lot of money.

Now, it won’t be long before Biden moves into the White House. And no matter what you think of him, the reality is that when it comes to energy policy, we’re about to see a repeat of what we saw under the Obama administration.

Bottom line: Solar, wind, and electric vehicles are about to get all kinds of love over the next four years.

Certainly, we’ll be investing accordingly.

Who’s in Charge Here?

What’s interesting about this incoming administration is that Joe Biden has chosen former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm to be his energy secretary.

If you don’t know, Granholm is a huge supporter of renewable energy integration and tends to put a lot of support behind technological innovation.

This means renewable energy companies that are offering “next-generation” solutions and technologies are the ones that are likely to be in the pole position for the first round of clean energy incentives.

This will be good for companies such as Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA), Lordstown Motors (NASDAQ: RIDE), and a handful of other electric car, wind energy, and solar power stocks.

But there’s definitely one that sticks out above all the rest.

And if you’re a regular reader of these pages, you’ve heard me talk about this one before.

It’s the company that’s now manufacturing a new kind of “liquid solar” that literally turns any kind of glass, plastic, or film into an energy-generating surface.

I’ve been following this company for a long time, and no matter how many times I read about the technology or share it with colleagues, I’m still blown away.

This is going to change everything.

Houses, buildings, cars, boats, and even airplanes will soon be “sprayed” with a solar liquid that will allow these things to be their own power plants.

I actually wish I could do the technology justice by explaining it to you here, but you really just have to see it for yourself.

Here’s a link that’ll take you to a report that actually shows what this technology looks like and how it works.

I also just updated a new investor note with more details on the company making this “liquid solar” and of course the ticker symbol in case you want to buy a few shares while it’s still relatively cheap. 🙂

The next four years are going to be very good for renewable energy investors.

I do hope you take full advantage of this opportunity.

Click here now to get started.

To a new way of life and a new generation of wealth…

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Jeff Siegel

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Jeff is an editor of Energy and Capital as well as a contributing analyst for New World Assets.

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